While watching Moonlight (2016) I
realized how emotional this film is. The movie starts off with a kind, but
quiet African American boy named Chiron. Even though he was kind, the kids
still made fun of him for his homosexuality. After struggling at school, he
struggled at home as well. He started to recognize that his mom would take
drugs. Because of all these conflicts, Chiron began to become confused about
himself. We then transition to him as a teenager in high school, but not much
has changed. He still would get bullied at school and had problems with his
mother, but now he had a father and mother figure, and also a friend, but their
relationship didn't last forever.
After watching his issues as a child
and a teenager, we get to see him as an adult. He grows into a tough confident
man who stands up for himself, but he still has to hide his true self to get
by. Now, he is a drug dealer and knows that his sexuality has to be hidden from
most people in order to stay safe. This film is so emotional and real because even
though the topic of LGBTQ+ has become more acceptable, I find that people still
react to gay black men differently, and this film is a perfect representation
of what some people go through.
I like how this movie really goes into not only the fact that men in general have to hide who they are emotionally and who they choose to love, but especially in the African American communities. The movie did a great job of what most boys and men have to deal with with all of the society pressures around them and unfortunately like in Chiron's case they usually always try to fit in and hide themselves because it is not 'accepted' in their communities.